Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's late and I'm starting a blog?

Hi everyone,
I have been inspired by my good friend Anna, and so have been indirectly inspired by my other good friend Aiyanna to start a blog. Why? I like the idea of keeping a "well-dressed" journal, and the fact that I have the ability to edit and gain feedback from observers is a fascinating feat for me to explore. I can rarely stick to one project and have trouble keeping a journal in the daily, memoir-y kind of way, so I'm hoping this will inspire me in my personal journal-writing endeavors as well. I also know that it's okay if I am not consistent in my blogging. I am, after all, still me, and keeping to a strict plan doesn't always play out the way I would like.
I also need to get over some weird fear of thinking my form of verbal and written expression is never good enough. I want to use the backspace key less, and feel I can use the page without limits. I'm not a writer, but I admire writers and think it's one of those activities anybody can do to enhance one's life, like swimming or meditating, even though you might not be a certified Olympian or Buddhist yogi. Writing is a lot like making music I think, because it is as much of a process as it is a final product. It's not one without the other, they are both equally meaning-bearing in the creator's experience. Even as a reader or a listener, I often try to envision or understand what that composer or author went through to come to these sentence combinations and random placement of figures.
This is getting weirdly theoretical...I really just want to put the Berkey out there in space. We'll see how this progresses.

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