Thursday, February 7, 2008

All I want is a room somewhere...

I've been apartment hunting, and while I've only seen two places so far, it is a very stressful undertaking. One wrong decision can make a huge difference in the long run. And sometimes I have to just go with my gut even if something seems really good on the outside. Like maybe I just want a shitty hole, but a shitty hole that I can call my own.

Aside from the stress, it's been fun exploring the city in ways I normally don't have time for. I get to ride trains I never ride, see the people I never would have passed, and smell the smells from the local roti shops I've never eaten from. And as I crossed over the Williamsburg Bridge on the J train, I was thankful for the first time for a slow-moving train. Going across right at dusk, everything shimmered on the water and off of old factory buildings, and cars below looked like toys, crawling like ants on the highways. A landscape of high rises and dingy train tracks suddenly morphed into a peaceful landscape. Not to sound too much like a Futurist or someone who has faith in society and technology, but I thought how wonderful it is to return to that beauty that lies in almost everything, no matter how much we fuck it up.

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