Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life can move in a strange way

For those of you who don't know yet, I am moving to a new apartment in April to live with my also relatively new boyfriend. Crazy? Yes. Fast? Yes. But if you knew him and you knew me, it would all make sense. And we'll have an amazing view of the manhattan skyline, so what could really go wrong I ask you??

I know we're taking a risk, but isn't that what life is for? And it seemed like the Universe was shouting at us to make this next move. Having that said, we still won't be seeing that much of each other because of our opposite work schedules.

We plan on having "rent-raisers" and fun gatherings on wood floors so we can maybe one day have a couch. And maybe a desk and some chairs? But goddam, we have a place, and I can't wait to live cat-free. Not to mention the freedom to do whatever the hell I want in my own space. I'll post some pictures of the place as soon as I get a chance. We're meeting with the landlord tomorrow to go over all the application materials and such. I feel strangely like an adult or something... What happened?

I'll be in touch. I know this was a leap from my last post. A lot has occurred. Ciao!

1 comment:

raphaelle said...

Hey sweety, it's great to hear that, I didn't know!! I can't wait to see the place! I'll bring a bottle of wine to celebrate it together :)
Take care beautiful and see you soon xxx Raph